8th September 2020
Amy Hill, better known as Body by Amy, lets us in on the secrets to that ROX Star body.

1. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
HIIT is one of the most beneficial types of cardiovascular exercise you can do if you are looking to reduce overall fat mass. It consists of intense bursts of anaerobic exercise punctuated with a short recovery period before repeating. HIIT not only burns fat and calories during the workout, but for hours afterwards meaning it’s a great way to supercharge your metabolism which in turn leads to weight loss (if that is your desired outcome, of course). Longtime celebrity HIIT fans include Erin McNaught and Jennifer Lopez, both of whom are famed for their incredibly lean and toned bodies. At Body By Amy, each class lasts just 45 minutes but clients are only actually working for around 35 mins of that time, once we’ve warmed up and cooled down.
2. Boxing
In recent years boxing has become one of the hottest workouts in Hollywood for a whole host of reasons. Mixing strength and cardio, boxing gives you a full body workout while majorly improving focus and concentration – not to mention the crazy endorphin release at the end of each session! Loved by Victoria’s Secret models Karlie Kloss, Adriana Lima, Gigi Hadid and Jourdan Dunn to name but a few, boxing not only benefits your body but is proven to be a great stress-release while also working to combat anxiety and low self- esteem. Karlie Kloss said “It’s how it affects you on the inside that really motivates me and keeps me pushing myself further.” One piece of advice – be prepared to become an addict!
3. Weight Training
One of the most common misconceptions about weight training for women is that it’s going to make you big and bulky… wrong! Weight training is one of the most effective ways to tone up and lose fat. Some of the hottest celebrities in the world credit “lifting” for their incredible bodies, including Kim Kardashian who claims its got her in the best shape of her life following the birth of her first two children. She recently told E news: “I’ve been working out really hardcore with a bodybuilder for one year… I work out about an hour- and-a-half every single day, heavy weights. I don’t do a lot of cardio.” Some of my clients had never lifted a dumbbell before coming to me, in this case it’s really important to spend time working on your form before upping the weights. Nothing makes me happier as a trainer than building my clients confidence and watching them progress – so many of them are surprised by how much weight training can really help existing issues and injuries such as lower back pain. By strengthening your core, lifting weights will improve your posture too – particularly if you spend the majority of your day at a desk.
Body by Amy

Taylor Brown catches up with Amy Hill on all things fitness and how to really stick to it. Amy lets us in on her five top tips to follow this winter season to keep in tip top condition for some winter sun.
1. Be accountable.
Every Sunday map out your week based on what plans you have. Fit in your training time, prep your meals and track your intake along the way with an app like MyFitness Pal. It’s so much easier to make healthier choices and stick to your routine when you’re organised and prepped. Document your progress by taking photographs which will help to keep you accountable.
2. Power in numbers.
Having someone to train with can mean that on the days you’re just not feeling it – or the days they’re not feeling it – you can motivate each other, or at the very least the guilt of letting each other down will motivate you! Lots of my clients come to my Body By Amy classes with their friends and use it as an opportunity to catch up whilst getting fit at the same time.
3. Set goals.
Having a goal to work towards makes hitting the gym much more appealing. There is no better feeling in the world than when clients reach their goal. Once you’ve hit the first one, set another; they don’t need to big milestones. It could be something as simple as completing every workout you’d planned out that week, or upping the number of reps/weight on a specific exercise.
4. Credit where it’s due.
A great way to stay motivated is by rewarding yourself – but only if you’ve really earned it. It’s important to recognise hard work and treating yourself to a dessert, a spa day or a night out with friends. It might mean walking to the train station instead of taking the car, or swapping your lunchtime sandwiches for a salad, but if you’re committed to doing it then you’ve earned a treat!
5. Be realistic.
It’s so easy to tell yourself you’re going to eat nothing but salads from now on, or that you’re going to work out twice a day five days a week, but not only would it take a lot of will power – and misery – to eat a salad three times a day, you’d need to have been training like an athlete for most of your life to be able to sustain it! Having an achievable target of three classes a week, or 10,000 steps per day, means it will feel like less of a chore and there’s also more chance of you sticking to it.
We’d be lying if we said we didn’t spend copious amounts of time on our phones so make sure it’s time well spent.
Diets are no longer the cool girl, it’s all about making small changes to your daily habits that will produce long term affects.
It’s time to see who really is leading that healthy lifestyle out-with their social world.